经典幼儿英语儿歌推荐 英语儿歌大全100首
方日排行为您整理了英语儿歌大全100首,它们是Bingo、The Wheels on the Bus、Twinkle Little Star、If you're happy、Five Little Ducks、Five Little Monkeys、Hickory Dickory Dock、The finger family、Head,shoulders,knees and toes、Row row row your boat,帮您了解经典幼儿英语儿歌推荐的详细信息,供参考选择。
The Wheels on the Bus
《The wheels on the bus》(巴士上的轮子)一首在英国耳熟能详的童谣,最受欢迎的100首迪士尼童谣中它排名第一。歌曲通过坐公车看到的各种景物,让孩子一点点认识世界,歌词简单押韵,曲调轻松活泼,风趣幽默,给人带来一种非常欢快的感觉,而且还有众多版本的绘本故事、儿歌翻唱,甚至还有同名动画已在国外面市。
Twinkle Little Star
《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》(一闪一闪亮晶晶)旋律来自18世纪的法国童谣《Ah!vous dirai-je,maman》,经著名音乐家莫扎特演绎变奏曲KV.265,英国著名女诗人Jane Taylor填词,于1806年形成现在广为人知的经典儿歌,被翻译超过50种语言。这首家喻户晓的英文儿歌也就大家熟悉的《小星星》,听到的第一首启蒙英语儿歌就是它,这首简单而又温馨的经典儿歌没有人不喜欢。
If you're happy
《If you're happy》就是我们很熟悉的《如果感到快乐你就拍拍手》英文版,这首经典儿歌无疑是世界最受欢迎的儿歌之一,这首歌具备丰富的互动性,孩子跟随着节奏,可以一起拍手一起跺脚,加上趣味横生的表情和动作,很容易让孩子产生融入感。
Five Little Ducks
《Five Little Ducks》(5只小鸭子)是幼儿英语儿歌推荐中常见的作品,歌词讲述了小鸭子们出去玩耍,翻过小山走了很远,每次回来都少了一只,直到五只小鸭子奇迹般地全部回到了家里。这首儿歌很简单而且好学,主要是学习数字和简单的减法,歌词是简单重复的,而且会有一些相关的绘本可以辅助学习。
Five Little Monkeys
《Five little monkeys》(五只猴子)是一首非常好学的英文儿歌,不仅韵律性很强,情节也特别有趣,甚至完全不用中文,就可以明白单词的意思,还可以学到简单的数字和减法,词曲都是重复性质的,容易加深印象。
Hickory Dickory Dock
《Hickory Dickory Dock》(滴答滴答钟声响)是首经典的幼儿英语儿歌,“Hickory Dickory Dock”模拟的就是钟声响时“滴答滴答”的声音。这首儿歌可以作为孩子认识时间的启蒙儿歌,歌曲是2/4拍,一强一弱,特别富有节奏感,还可以学到上和下的词汇。
The finger family
《The finger family》(手指家族歌)是一首学习家庭成员的英语儿歌,歌曲中有父母,爷爷奶奶,哥哥姐姐,基本上全部的家庭成员都能学到,可以配合手指动作,互动性强,很适合在家启蒙。
Head,shoulders,knees and toes
《Head,shoulders,knees and toes》(头、肩、膝盖和脚趾),是一首认识身体的英文儿歌,欢快而有趣,歌词很简单,就是几个身体部位的词语,这首歌可以用来做起早操,配合手指和下蹲的动作,让孩子伸伸腿动动手。
Row row row your boat
《Row row row your boat》(划船歌)是一首简单易学的英语儿歌,歌曲描述的是小朋友划船时愉快的情景,可以一边听一边和孩子蹦蹦跳跳,既有趣又能学习到知识。
1.the Pinocchio
2.the hokey pokey shake
3.walking walking
4.walking in the jungle
5.baby shark
6.wag your tail
7.make a circle
9.hide and seek
10.bye bye song
11.wash your hands
12.the body song
13.who took the cookie from the cookie jar
14.happy song
15.Yes i can
16.Make a circle
18.A Bicycle built for two
19.Animal fair
1.Friends lullaby
1.Home on the Range
3.I am a policeman
4.In the good,old summertime
5.It ain`t gonna rain no more
6.I’ve been working on the railroad
7.Mary Had a little Lamb
9.Old Macdonald
10.Pop!Goes the weasel
11.Row,row,row your boat
12.She’ll be comin’round the mountain
13.Take me out to the ball game
14.Ten Little Indians
15.The Blue-tail fly
16.The Green Grass Grew all around
17.The mail must go through
18.The man on the flying trapeze
19.This old man
20.Three Blind Mice
1.Camptown Race
2.Carrot Stew
3.Free Jacques
4.Here we go looply-loo!
5.Here we go round the Mulberry Bush
6.John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
7.Old Blue
8.On top of Old smoky
9.Polly Wolly Doodle
10.Red River Valley
11.Sailing Medley
13.Skip to my Lou
14.Swanee River
15.The Bear Went over the mountain
16.The Dump Truck song
17.The farmer in the dell
18.The sidewalks of New York
19.There was and old lady
1.A Hunting We will go
2.Activity Melody
4.Alphabet song
5.Billy Boy
7.did you Ever see a Lassie
8.Down in the Valley
9.Good Night,Ladies
10.Grandfather’s Clock
11.Hush,little Baby
12.Just for you
13.Loch Lomond
14.Michael,Row the boat ashore
15.Nursery Rhyme Medley
16.Oh Dear,what can the matter be
17.Over the River and through the woods
18.Shoo,fly don’t bother me
19.Sweet Betsy from pike
20.Waltzing Matilda
1.Big Rock Candy Mountain
2.Brother,come and dance with me
4.Cockles and Mussels
5.Comin'Through the Rye
6.Do your ears hang low
7.Down by the station
8.Dry bones
9.Froggie went a-courting
11.Git along,little Dogines
12.Go in and Out the Window
13.He's Got the Whole workd in his hands
14.I'm a little Teapot
15.It's A Small world
16.You are My sunshine
17.Meet me in St.Louis
18.Mickey Mouse March
19.Nursery Rhyme Medley
20.Oh where,oh where has my little dog gone